home / diary / Zambia / 10 July 2005
Zambian Hospitality
Debbie writes...

Spending time with locals in their home country is always enjoyable. Luckily for us, our good friends in the UK had family in Zambia - so we knocked on their farm door near the town of Mazabuka :-)

Clinton and Dawn own a dairy farm, which also produces coffee and sugar cane.  They welcomed us into their home and filled our bellies with lots of scrumptious food ... and cakes ... and biscuits ... and home-grown coffee! 


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Guys 'n girls - thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality! We are devouring the delicious chocolate biscuits you snuck into the Landy :-)  Amy, a special thanks for giving up your bed ... it was a real treat. 

Clinton and Kate

Dawn and Amy

Amy and Devan

The chefs at work


Colourful garden

Break from bush camping


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